Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

my diary

 alhamdulillah, every my day is still busy with the activity of the solid but not bad😌

Wednesday was a very tiring day for me because there is a chemistry lab.really, the moment before the practicum is a time that is casquette. tired yes of course but this is the consequences which we should enjoy as a student of chemistry Fmipa untan.after the practicum is completed then a long came.no longer able to this body to work more.sufficient rest to recover to be ready for college tomorrow.the next day we attended classes as usual and until Friday.we always hope Saturday is the end of the week but it's all just a figment of the imagination still there are the activities of d campus and the tasks piling up.
Sunday is the time to complete the journals and reports organic chemistry.it's really heavy stuff.we're not even sleeping the whole night to do it because time feels not quite 24 hours Monday already practicum. Monday is the day which is very amazing where the morning we had lectures.college English d amcor then organic chemistry lab 1 hour a.m

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