Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

Tugas akhir mata kuliah bahasa inggris

Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

my diary

 alhamdulillah, every my day is still busy with the activity of the solid but not bad😌

Wednesday was a very tiring day for me because there is a chemistry lab.really, the moment before the practicum is a time that is casquette. tired yes of course but this is the consequences which we should enjoy as a student of chemistry Fmipa untan.after the practicum is completed then a long came.no longer able to this body to work more.sufficient rest to recover to be ready for college tomorrow.the next day we attended classes as usual and until Friday.we always hope Saturday is the end of the week but it's all just a figment of the imagination still there are the activities of d campus and the tasks piling up.
Sunday is the time to complete the journals and reports organic chemistry.it's really heavy stuff.we're not even sleeping the whole night to do it because time feels not quite 24 hours Monday already practicum. Monday is the day which is very amazing where the morning we had lectures.college English d amcor then organic chemistry lab 1 hour a.m

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

My futur bussiness

someday I want to be a businessman great. I will build a restaurant the classic-style science where all things that are the restaurant is a science. furniture, knick knacks and food d offer related to science classic.
     the food provided is also interesting because will bimasak such as japanese restaurant,directly made d hapan buyers. a renderer that works is the robot.

Minggu, 07 Mei 2017


Dıscussıon seseason:

Srı.   :Good Mornıng Novı
Novı :Good mornıng Srı (see wıth a strange)
Srı.    :Why you looked at me lıke that?
Novı. :today, you look lıke dıfferents. Your clothes look crumpled and untıdy.
Srı.     :yes, you're rıght .ı dıdn't ıron my             clothes because ırons ı was broken. I thınk ı want to make a robot lıke ıron to practıcally fold the             clothes.
Novı.  :Hmmm, that's good ıdea. What ıf we were both make robots ıron   multıfunctıons and practıcally   smoothed our clothes for everyday.
Srı.     :ı'am agree. What ıs the name of the robot that we wıll make?
Novı.  :the name's of the robot ıs "Iron              smoothed robot"
Srı.      :wow ıt was the unıque name's.              What are part that there are ın the robot?
Novı.   :The part of the robot ıs two hand to smoothed clothes, the fleksıble body, and easy mode to operate.
Srı.       :how many the prıce of the robot?
Novı.    : ı thınk, USD 350.
Srı.       : Okay,  lets we try to make ıt...

The vıdeo of "Iron smoothed robot" can be viewed on the link youtube below:


Senin, 01 Mei 2017

#1 captions : your chance is not my chance. When you're happiness play with friends while i burst under a sun-light for a livehood.
Translate: kesempatanmu bukan kesempatanku. Ketika kamu asyik bermain dengan teman-teman sedang aku terbakar diri dibawah terik matahari demi sesuap nasi.

#2 captions : He said we were keep take care but why safety not maintained with the use of a helmet. it's not just your heart that needs to be maintained, your head also needed
Translate : katanya kita akan saling menjaga tapi kenapa keselamatan tidak dijaga dengan menggunakan helm. Bukan cuma hati yang perlu dijaga, kepala juga perlu.
#3 captions : Almost is never enough. something forced it's sick,narrow and exhausting.
Translate : 
Hampir tidak pernH cukup.sesuatu yang dipaksakan itu sakit,sempit dan melelahkan.

#4 captions : Be a little patient and follow the flow of life drive.  Cause falling in the highway is not as beautiful as falling in Love.
Translate : Sedikit bersabar dan mengikuti alur kehidupan. Karena jatuh di jalan raya tidak seindah jatuh Cinta😂

Minggu, 30 April 2017

Hi friendsss😄
Today we will make a paper-frog toys. It will be easy.so must try by yourself at there ... okay😉

1. first,prepare origami paper with different color.
2. fold the paper like this video.you just follow the steps in this video https://youtu.be/S-Au7fh0zzM
3. So easy right 😉 okey good luck

Jumat, 14 April 2017

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb😄
How are you,friends?
Hope you will well as long day😊

Today i will lift you to know kak eva, she's full name is Eva Nurizma.have you heard this name?😆 she is a muslim activists in my campus and i will interview her.stay watch on....okay😁

Let's we start our dialoge with kak eva😃

Interviewer:  Would you tell me a little about yourself?
Kak eva: my name is Eva Nurizma. I was born in gersik february 2,1996. I live at jl.M Syafe'i No.6 Asrama Mahasiswi Untan. I am come from sambas.

Interviewer: As long as i know that you are activists in campus.How early you started have become activists?
Kak eva: i started have become activists from senior high school

Interviewer: Why you choose become activists?
Kak eva: the spirit of being an activist

Interviewer: How  do you balance about your study and organization?
Kak eva: clever divide time and priorities

Interviewer: how many organizations do you follow? what is it?
Kak Eva: It has six organizations, there is FKMI Fikri, HIMAFIS, BKMI Untan, KAMMI Kal-Bar, Puskomda, Korsis, and JRMN.

  Alhamdulillah we have done in interview season. I think that we can follow kak eva ti be a great woman activists, hope me that will be inspirations for us. Thank's for attetions and see at next post😀 wasalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Have a nice day,guys😄!!!

How are you?
Today we meet again in my lovely blog😆

Today I have some questions  for you 😉such as,
What's you think about chemistry?
What's your imagine about chemistry? Atoms? Bombs? Or nuchlear-war.sooo dangerous😱
Do you like chemistry?
Can you imagine life without chemistry?😊

     A life without chemistry would be simply disastrous. We would haven't phones, no lightbulbs, etc. Almost everything we use in our daily lifes depends on chemistry to exist, from the food we eat to clother on our backs. If we had never studied chemistry we wouldn't have liquid oxygen. This has developed in the 1800s and is now probably best-known for it role as rocket fuel. Without rocket the space race wouldn't have happenend or all the everyday things that we got from programmers related to it.
     Chemistry has been called 'the central of sciences' because of its role and influences on all of the sciences. It involves the study of basic unit of matter and without that knowledge other sciences such as physics and biology wouldn't have been particulary succesfull.
     We would not be able to tell what foods are bad. We would not be able to estimate the shelf life of foods. We also wouldn't know how to nourish our body with food that would protects rickets, osteoporosis, and scurvy. Chemistry has anebled us to make up for the nutrients we miss out on with important vitamins and fortified breakfast cereals. Without chemistry we would not have modern medicine. Disease and illnesses would be spreading like wildfire.
     Chemistry plays a big role in every aspect of our lifes. It has allowed other sciences to blossom and has expanded our collectives knowledge. We understand how to times componens to the human bodywork and can predict the composition of planets milons of miles away.


I think it be enough.thank for your attentions and see you at next blog😉wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Jumat, 17 Maret 2017

Assalamu'alaikum we.wb

Hello everybody 😄

Nice to meet you again yow 😆

Do you like music? Or singing olny?
What is music genre you like? Blues or pop or rock?
But i know onething that all of you like a music. Would me know who's your favorite singer? I have favorite singer, she is Taylor Swift. I and she was same to born in December 13th.it's so amazing for me 😉

I have a skill, it is singing 🎤 although my vouce isn't well.Just for you know that i also like korea music 😆
Someday, i have dream to make a concert with taylor swift.we will make the album for them.the benefi of album to contribution for ODH (Orang Dengan HIV). I wish my support can lift  them.i only want to make them happyvand give support😢

Oke see you at next post.good bye everybody 😄

Jumat, 03 Maret 2017

                         Unit 4 😋

Task Critical Cartoon 🐴
1. How many electronic devices have you used in the past 24 hours? List them.
Answer: I used at list four, such as telephone📱, fan, television, and rice-cooker.

2. What activities do robots today? What other things would you like them to do?
Answer: cook a rice🍚. Robot should never cook a rice because i could cook a rice for my self by stover.

3. Are there certain things we should always do for ourselves? What? Why?
Answer: Eating🍝. I think we should by ourselves. It would be great if robots can bribing us for eat🌞

              Thanks for you and keep your spirit 😄

📑My Assesment👐
Defining someword based cambridge dictionary📖

1. Adopt; to choose somene or something or take something as your own.

2. Effort; physical or mental activity needed to achieve something.

3. Aid; help or support.

4. Force; physical especially violent, strength or power.

5. Career; the jobs or series of jobs that you do during your working like especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money.

6. Oppose; to disagree with something or someone, often by speaking or fighting against it, him or her.

7. Code; a system of words, letters, or sign used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of number,letter, or sign used to represent something in shorter or more convevients form.

8. Potential; possible when the necessary condition exist.

9. Doubt;a feeling of not being certain about something especially about how good or true it is.

10. Serve; to work for or to do your duty to. 

         💪Thanks and keep smile 😊
Assalamu'alaikum 😊
Hello, guys 😄!
Nice to meet you and thanks for look up my blog 😁

How are you?  I hope you'll be fine😉 

        So, let me tell you why i continue my study to university level. I was came from poor family. My parent is a farmer. My parent doesn't get a high-school level but they have more experience-life. I have one little-sister and two little-brother. It seems difficult for me to continue my study. But, my parent have a big dream for us,this is my reason me to continue my study at there.
       I think when i failed to get IPDN, i must to continue my study at university, no one options else for me. Now, when i decided in this way i want to be the one who can change the world, who can usefull for many people, and who can be inspirations for the world.



        It is my reason why i continue my study to university level.
        Whenever i remember my parent work-hardly and have a big dream for me, my mind heated. I feel burned. No one else in my mind. I MUST MAKE MY PARENT HAPPY & PROUD OF ME.AMINNN .That's my reason and how about you?😏

                 🆗 thanks for your attention and see you at next post 😘
                      Sri Radianti
                Pose like this of like👌